Common sense applications of trusted hardware

Hardware security mechanisms like ARM TrustZone and Intel SGX have been widely available for a while and the academic research community is finally paying attention. Whether these mechanisms are safe and useful for ordinary people is hotly debated. In this post, we sketch two of our “common sense” applications of hardware-based trusted execution environments. Hardware […]

Leading European cybersecurity research organizations and Intel Labs join forces to conduct research on Collaborative Autonomous & Resilient Systems

The new research institute operates in the fields of drones, self-driving vehicles, and collaborative systems in industrial automation.

Intel and leading European universities in the field of cybersecurity and privacy will open a new initiative for “Collaborative Autonomous & Resilient Systems” (CARS) to tackle security, privacy, and functional safety challenges of autonomous systems that may collaborate with each other – examples are drones, self-driving vehicles, or industrial automation systems. 


Voiko älykodissa elää turvassa? Entä mitä riskejä liittyy fiksuun sähköverkkoon tai kulkuneuvoihin?

Puettava laite voi tehdä sinusta haavoittuvan – älykkäiden laitteiden tietoturvaa puidaan Aalto-yliopiston asiantuntijaseminaarissa 7. syyskuutaTervetuloa kuulemaan tietoturvan huippuasiantuntijoiden esityksiä Aalto-yliopistoon. Seminaarin aluksi julkaistaan uusi Intel Labsin yhteistyöaloite, jossa Aalto-yliopistolla on merkittävä rooli useiden muiden kansainvälisten yliopistojen rinnalla. Aika: Torstaina 7. syyskuuta klo 9.00–16.30 Paikka: Tietotekniikan talo, luentosali T1, Konemiehentie 1, Espoo. Seminaarissa puhuvat tietoturva-alan kiinnostavimmat […]

Zero-effort authentication : useful but difficult to get right

At the forthcoming 2016 Networking and Distributed Systems Symposium we present case study on designing systems that are simultaneously secure and easy-to-use. Transparent (“zero-effort”) authentication is a very desirable goal. But designing and analyzing them correctly is a challenge. At the 2014 IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium, a top conference on information security and privacy, […]